My name is Babsy van Deun. I live in Munich, Germany. I started irish dancing at the age of sixteen for the Emerald Dancers, after being totally flashed by Riverdance. I successfully competed in Ireland, England and Germany and made my grades. So when my dance teacher retired 2007 I became the new teacher of the Emerald Dancers, Germany's oldest irish dancing school.
In 2019 I was so happy to get the chance to join the Fusion Fighter Dance Fest as cast member in Limerick. My personal highlight was our opening performance with Jiggy on Fleadh TV in Drogheda.
Most recently in 2020 I took part in the Online Dance Fest. I really enjoyed participating in the online showcase. Actually becoming a member of the Fusion Fighter Dance Company is a big dream come true.
Discount Code 'babsy10' (Can be used at both Fusion Fighters Store and Mitchell Dance)
IG: @emeralddancers
In 2019 I was so happy to get the chance to join the Fusion Fighter Dance Fest as cast member in Limerick. My personal highlight was our opening performance with Jiggy on Fleadh TV in Drogheda.
Most recently in 2020 I took part in the Online Dance Fest. I really enjoyed participating in the online showcase. Actually becoming a member of the Fusion Fighter Dance Company is a big dream come true.
Discount Code 'babsy10' (Can be used at both Fusion Fighters Store and Mitchell Dance)
IG: @emeralddancers
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