mission statement
Fusion Fighters is a performance company and online community that is anchored by Irish dance but features a fusion of styles and influences. FF was launched on St Patrick’s Day 2013 at the Mayor of London Festival in Trafalgar Square. For the past 8 years they have branched away from what has become the typical Irish dance experience in order to evolve for a modern audience while still preserving their traditions . The initiative has continued to grow and has now established itself worldwide working intensively in the creation, production and delivery of unique campaigns and community projects. With their message of ‘Creativity and Inclusion’ they offer a range of projects to include dancers of all ages and levels.
The Fusion Fighters community has rapidly grown to be one of the largest and most influential dance communities in the world, with over 500,000 followers and achieving over 500,000,000 video views.
The Fusion Fighters crew is made up of over 50 professional dancers, 20+ musicians and hundreds of students around the world who provide entertainment for a variety of corporate performances, festivals and video campaigns. The dancers are extensively trained in Irish dance, but are also skilled in many other dance forms like Tap, Contemporary and Body Percussion. The presentation of the Fusion Fighters performances are renowned for the uniqueness in approach to choreography, inclusion of stunning imagery and the collaboration of both modern and traditional Irish music. Fusion Fighters has now completed many professional tours across Europe and is excited for the launch of some new productions in 2023.
Fusion Fighters deliver specialist In-person and Online Performance Workshops as well as hosting an annual event ‘Fusion Dance Fest’, also know as 'Fusion Fighters Summer Showcase' that is specifically designed to enhance dancers versatility in a range of dance styles, increase confidence and performance technique. The camp also provides professional performance opportunities for it's cast members that has included highlights such as appearances at 'The Late Late Show, Up For The Match (RTE1), The Six O'Clock Show (Virgin), Nolan live, Jigs & Wigs (BBCNI), Fleadh Tv (tv4), The North American Nationals and the CLRG Irish Dance World Championships. It makes us very proud that many Fusion Dance Fest cast members have gone on to follow their dreams and perform full time in established touring productions.
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